Macrium reflect disk cloning
Macrium reflect disk cloning

NB – Whilst disk cloning software will work fine when migrating from an old hard drive to a new drive or SSD on an existing system, more involved work might be required when migrating an existing system on to new or simply different hardware! In such cases, the use of disk cloning technology with support for restoring to dissimilar hardware might be required (and will be discussed further down on this page)! This means that the existing system will continue to work exactly as it did before whilst using the old hard disk (but with more disk space available or a faster SSD drive now in-use to improve system performance).

macrium reflect disk cloning

For example, when adding a new larger or faster hard disk or SSD drive to an existing PC, the existing drive’s contents can be copied over to this new disk and kept exactly as they were beforehand. Such disk cloning software is especially useful when adding new or upgraded hard disks or SSD drives to an existing PC.

macrium reflect disk cloning

Making an exact copy of a disk means that all existing data on the original (source) hard drive including the operating system, any installed applications, system settings plus all existing user data is also copied across to the new hard disk during the process.

macrium reflect disk cloning

Disk Cloning software is specialist software which can be used to create an exact (1:1) copy of a computer’s hard drive which is then replicated to a secondary (often bigger or faster) hard drive.

Macrium reflect disk cloning